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Soroti Fruit Factory


Soroti Fruit Factory

The Corporation has invested in the establishment of the Soroti Fruit Factory in Arapai Sub-county, Soroti District. The factory is a US$ 11.4m investment set up to process mainly oranges and mangoes to produce ready-to-drink juice and puree. It has a processing capacity of six (6) metric tons per hour for oranges and two (2) metric tons per hour for mangoes.

Teju Juice Pouches

Investment in a pineapple processing line at the factory is currently under consideration. The Corporation invested in this Unit with the fruit farmers through the Teso Tropical Fruit Farmers’ Cooperative Union (TEFCU), with the Corporation owning 80% and TEFCU 20%.

More fruit processing plants are planned across the country given the increased levels of fruit production and growing demand in the country. UDC’s long term aim is to exit leaving the farmers with 100% ownership. Multiple partnerships have contributed to the set of this factory; of special mention is Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) that provided a grant for its construction.