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Message from the Executive Director


Executive DirectorThe Uganda Development Corporation (UDC) is mandated by law (UDC Act 2016) in its’ role as the investment arm of the Government with the primary objective of promoting and facilitating the industrial and socio-economic development of Uganda.

I am privileged to inform you that since its’ revival in 2016 and as guided by Government of Uganda Development Policies and Interventions, and as per its’ Strategic Plan (2019/20 to 2029/30); the corporation has embarked on a number of development projects (solely or in partnership) that span a myriad of sectors namely; agro-industry; minerals beneficiation, infrastructure development etc.

Suffice to note that as guided by due process, the corporation is open to explore the prospects of undertaking economically viable investment partnerships (whether with local or foreign-based prospective investment partners) under mutually agreed-upon collaboration models to undertake ventures that are considered critical to the socio-economic transformation and competitiveness of the Ugandan economy with focus on the areas of; increasing and synergizing localized primary production and manufacturing base along the key sectors of the economy e.g. agriculture, mineral beneficiation etc.

I hereby warmly welcome you to further appreciate what we stand for as illustrated on this website.


Yours sincerely;

Patrick B. Birungi (PhD)

Executive Director